Quick guide to Opendata EC Public Consultation, the on-line survey on the PSI Directive
The Digital Agenda for Europe lists the revision of the Directive 2003/98/EC on the re-use of public sector information (PSI Directive) among its first key actions. It is worth reminding the key role of Spanish Presidency including PSI reuse in the Granada Declaration showing a commitment with promotion of open data that we all hope it will be followed with some action.
In September European Commission opened a public consultation with the purpose of gathering information from as many sources as possible on their views on the review of the PSI Directive. The consultation will feed into the debate on possible policy options that should be considered for the review, and will contribute to the impact assessment that will be carried out subsequently, associated with proposals for possible legislative or other measures.
As you all know a public consultation is a regulatory tool employed to seek the opinions of interested and affected groups in a certain matter. Gathering their views, opinions and contributions using the Internet both Member State administrations and EU institutions can understand the needs of citizens and enterprises better.
The PSI consultation document is published only in English but responses are acceptable in all EU languages, as it is not stated otherwise on the consultation documents themselves. So please do not think that being a non-english fluent speaker is a barrier to participate.
Werther you are a government, a public sector content holder, a commercial or non-commercial re-user or other interested parties your contribution is really important because your view will feed on the review of the PSI Directive.
The consultation includes questions divided on several blocks:
- the PSI re-use context and possible action to consider,
- substantive issues regulated by the PSI Directive,
- practical measures,
- changes that have taken place and barriers that still exist
- other issues to comment regarding the review of the PSI Directive.
It is also worth noting the commitment that the Commission Vice-President for the Digital Agenda, Neelie Kroes is showing with the open data community. As she pointed out, much of Europe's PSI is insufficiently or even sometimes not exploited, which means losing out a great opportunity to generate innovation.
The replies to this consultation will be published on the Commission's PSI web site. The consultation will run until 30 November 2010 and 3 weeks before closing, EC has gathered about 350 responses, which is not much, comparing with the importance of the matter. So please contribute with your views to build a more innovative Europe.
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